Business support (LLC and PE)

We offer dedicated extensive support to individuals and companies at any stage of operation to navigate the complexities of Ukraine’s regulations. We are committed to delivering high-quality service and ensure your business functions properly.

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Doing business in an age of ever-changing risk calls for expertise in corporate, contract and labour law. Therefore, regardless of how long your company has been operating in Ukraine, our experts will give you an outright guidance to manage its activities.

We’ve got your back with

  • Corporate law
  • M&A transactions
  • Contract law
  • Labor law

We provide

a wide range of business consulting services including legal advice, legal correspondence, preparation of legal documents, M&A consulting and legal defence. With a wealth of experience, our experts ensure that your business is well-structured and arrange that its agreements make all the transactions happen smoothly. We invest our time to understand your objectives and challenges to help you make better decisions.

Contact us!

Please feel free to request a call back. We will call you back as soon as possible.